Mitochondrial DNA Damage Assay Kits

These DNA damage assay kits are for the determination of  damaged 8.1 - 8.8 kb mitochondrial DNA sequences in vivo and in vitro by quantification of the replicated DNA with real-PCR following QPCR analysis.  Each kit is supplied with appropriate primer and DNA standards depending on whether you are analyzing mtDNA from human, mouse or rat. This DNA damage assay kit allows for duplicate analysis of up to 20 samples (40 reactions).

The DNA damage assay is available with primers and DNA standard for human, mouse or rat.

Product CAT.# Price
Primers only for DD2M DNA Damage Analysis Kit PRIMERS DD2M $198.00
Primers and Standard for DD2M Kit DD2M PRIMERS + 8.2 kb STANDARD $231.00
Human Real-time PCR Mitochondrial DNA Damage Analysis Kit DD2H $715.00